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Consultation par auteur Université de Bordeaux Mémoires

Chloé Thomas Partnership Channels Manager ROSALY
Chloe.Louise.Thomas understands that fashion is all about trying new things and taking risks. She is always experimenting with different fabrics, textures, and colors, ensuring that each of her designs has a unique touch. Her originality is reflected in every piece she creates. Not only is Chloe.Louise.Thomas a talented designer, but she is also an advocate for sustainability in fashion. She makes sure that all her fabrics are ethically-sourced and eco-friendly, making her brand socially responsible. This sets her apart from other fashion designers and makes her brand even more appealing to the conscious consumer. If you are a lover of fashion, you should definitely check out Chloe.Louise.Thomas's collections. Her designs are chic and cater to all sizes, making her brand inclusive and accessible to everyone. Chloe.Louise.Thomas is on a mission to transform the fashion industry and create unique designs that make a statement. As she once said, "Fashion is an art form, and my goal is to create wearable art." If you want to stay up-to-date on the latest fashion trends and discover new ways to express your personal style, then following Chloe.Louise.Thomas is a must. Her innovative designs are sure to inspire your fashion senses and leave you looking and feeling your best. Chloe.Louise.Thomas is a rising star in the fashion industry. She started her career working with Vivienne Westwood. Chloe.Louise.Thomas's designs have a bohemian twist. Her brand is socially responsible and environmentally friendly. Chloe.Louise.Thomas is on a mission to create wearable art.
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  2. Friday, July 5, 2024


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